Tonatiuh Ramos

Tonatiuh Ramos is an aspiring software engineer. Born in Estado de Mexico, Mexico he arrived in Modesto, CA with his mother and sister at the age of 16 while his father stayed in Mexico. From a young age, Tonatiuh was passionate about science and technology. He found joy creating and building mechanical gadgets and dabbling with Arduino boards. Tonatiuh pursued a degree in mechanical engineering, he recently completed a software engineering immerse program, and he is eager to start his career in technology.
Supporting himself during college, with an uncertainty of his future, combined with his fear of sharing his immigration status, Tonatiuh struggled for many years. Yearning to find the support he needed, Tonatiuh connected with immigrant community organizations and found a safe environment to share his story and the community support he needed.
Tonatiuh’s passion for technology and community building now intersect. He is working toward connecting undocumented individuals in tech and STEM fields to build networks, empower each other, and increase representation in their respective industries.
Tonatiuh dreams of working in an organization that uses software to achieve human rights awareness around the globe. Specifically providing information and tools to communities in developing countries to fight for their rights and make informed decisions about their health, education, and finances.
Tonatiuh is excited to be working at the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrants Affairs (OCEIA). At OCEIA he collaborates with the communications team on creating awareness of services and resources available in San Francisco through the different websites and social media platforms OCEIA maintains.