Genny Poot

Genny Poot a current student at San Francisco State University and will be graduating in a year with a Business Administration degree. Genny and her family immigrated to the United States for Genny and her brothers to have a better future and education. As a child, Genny’s parents taught her the value of having an education and subsequently worked hard to overcome language barriers. Even though she struggled to learn the English, Genny worked hard to learn in order to succeed.
Genny, being a mother herself, also wants to instill the importance of an education in her daughter, Nadia that her parents imparted on her. She hopes Nadia can follow her dreams and accomplish her goals
As a DreamSF Fellow, Genny was placed at Mujeres Unidas y Activas (MUA). Genny will help coordinate MUA’s annual Si Se Puede conference for domestic violence survivors and accompany MUA members to various social service agencies. If needed, Genny will also act as a Spanish language interpreter.
After graduating, Genny will take a long-awaited break to enjoy time spent with her family. After that, Genny will pursue her Master’s in Business. She continues to fight for her daughter and parents in order to have a better life.
In Genny’s spare time she enjoys spending quality time with her family going to the movies, park as well as trying new restaurants and cuisine.