Hector Franco

Hector Franco is a current student at San Francisco State University studying business administration with emphasis in accounting. Born in Chalatenango, El Salvador, Hector migrated to the United States when he was eighteen years-old. Hector was born in Chalatenango, but grew up mostly in the small town of Cuscatlán where he studied how small businesses work. It was there that Hector’s passion for business was passed on to him by his brother Victor, who taught him that hard work always pays off.
Hector’s journey has been an interesting one. He has been in the United States for less than a decade and in that short time he has accomplished a lot. He is about to graduate and become the first person in his family to graduate from college. He has made a lot sacrifices; he left everyone that he loves back in El Salvador, so that he can work for a better future for him and for those that depend on him. Upon graduation, Hector aspires start a career with a big company and eventually become the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Hector remains committed to giving back to his community, in which he aims to work for an organization that works closely with the Latino community. Hector is passionate about empowering immigrants to manage their finances and how to excel as entrepreneurs.
Hector’s placement with the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) for the DreamSF Fellowship aligns well with his passion to empower immigrants in their financial stability and capability. MEDA specializes in helping low income people who live in the Mission access services such as tax preparation, financial capability, Mission Promise Neighborhood programs and many others. In his spare time, Hector enjoys playing softball and soccer with his friends.