Leticia Urrutia

Leticia Urrutia was born in Tijuana, Mexico, and migrated to the United States at age 11. Currently, Leticia attends San Francisco State University, where she is working towards a bachelor’s degree in Political Science.
At a young age, Leticia began volunteering at various places, inspired by her mother who was always involved in the community. It wasn’t until high school that Leticia got really involved in a local organization[JR1] . During her first year in the organization, she developed leadership and organizational skills. Leticia was able to learn a tremendous amount about the immigrant community. Motivated and empowered by her community, Leticia decided that she wanted to continue working for the immigrant community from which she learned so much.
As a DreamSF Fellow, Leticia is excited to complete her fellowship with her placement at the International Institute of the Bay Area, a nonprofit organization that provides high-quality low- cost legal immigration services. She will expand her knowledge and further develop her passion for helping the immigrant community by working as a social media assistant.
Ultimately, Leticia aspires to study psychology on a graduate level in order to address the stress and potential for mental illness that many undocumented students and families too often encounter.